Radiofrequency Ablation is a technique that uses an electrode mounted either on a balloon or endoscope, and enables the endoscopist to destroy the lining of the oesophagus by tissue vaporization. Once the abnormal lining is removed, the mucosa that regrows is usually normal squamous lining.
The procedure is carried out as a day case, under conscious sedation, and recovery is 2- 3 hours. Discomfort post procedure can last 3-4 days but tends to settle down with simple painkillers and anti-acid medication. The procedure has a low risk of side effects such as narrowing of the oesophagus (stricture) or bleeding.
This technique has become the first line treatment for a condition called Barrett’s oesophagus, when dysplasia is present, and was introduced to London Bridge Hospital by Dr Dunn in 2017, following his use of the treatment at St Thomas Hospital from 2011. Dr Dunn was one of the first users of this technique in the UK, and co-founded the national UK HALO RFA registry to gather data on the device, which has since been published in medical journals.
More recently Dr Dunn has pioneered the use of the device for other conditions of the upper intestine including; cervical inlet patch causing globus; GAVE (a bleeding disorder of the stomach); and radiation proctitis.
Specialists in this area:
Dr Jason Dunn